PrincessMowyen:  i'm back, mmmm real cream in tea is so good
BlueblueVortex:  and i have cognac, lemon, water and sugar warmed up... mmm...
PrincessMowyen:  sounds good
BlueblueVortex:  there is more than one way to help people
PrincessMowyen:  i know, i've though of becoming a social worker and working wiht kids but i think it would break my heart
BlueblueVortex:  but if you are an aware person, your heart is struggling anyway... just by being in this world of light and dark, of joy and sorrow, of kindness and cruelty... yes?
PrincessMowyen:  yes
BlueblueVortex:  so, by helping you are healing yourself?
PrincessMowyen:  it makes me happier to know that i've helped someone who truly needs it
BlueblueVortex:  yes
BlueblueVortex:  i understand that
PrincessMowyen:  and i seem to be drawn to people who need my help, most of my friends are ........broken? (not wuite what i mean but can't find the right word) in some way. and they need someone to be there for them
BlueblueVortex:  life is long
PrincessMowyen:  yes it is, but its good too
PrincessMowyen:  theres so many beautiful things out there that people just seem to ignore, because they are so caught up with what is wrong
BlueblueVortex:  yes
BlueblueVortex:  or just caught up with the details?
PrincessMowyen:  yes
BlueblueVortex:  i am going away for a minute
PrincessMowyen:  ok
BlueblueVortex:  i am working today... i will be at work from 3 till 11 pm
BlueblueVortex:  they feed us at work and the menu said "Yaki Sobo"
PrincessMowyen:  no thankgiving? i usually don't get online till after 11 at night. what is yaki sobo?
BlueblueVortex:  I call it "Yuckky sobo" and this irritates some of my coworkers and amuses others; it is a stir fry but the cook is not very good so it comes out as a soggy mess
PrincessMowyen:  blecch
BlueblueVortex:  princess...
PrincessMowyen:  yes?
BlueblueVortex:  i was just giggling so much when I described our thanksgiving dinner
BlueblueVortex:  what are you doing for thanks giving?
PrincessMowyen:  :-D i've been cooking for 2 days for mine, but i like to cook
PrincessMowyen:  doesn't sound very yummy
PrincessMowyen:  do you mind if i ask what your first name is?
BlueblueVortex:  thanksgiving is actually my favorite American holiday [I grew up in India]
PrincessMowyen:  mine is halloween
BlueblueVortex:  no i don't mind if you ask; and if you were to ask, I would truthfully say that my first name is Anil [pronounced by most people as in anneal]
PrincessMowyen:  how do you pronounce it?  my first name is Sheerah, most people mispronounce it. its Sheer ah 
PrincessMowyen:  i like your name
BlueblueVortex:  mmm the native tongue where I grew up is Bengali and in that language it is O neel
PrincessMowyen:  it sounds pretty when you say it, what does it mean?
BlueblueVortex:  thanks; i was just thinking that Sheerah is beautiful; did your parents give you that name
PrincessMowyen:  my mother chose it
BlueblueVortex:  it has two meanings; sky is one meaning and the other is blue
PrincessMowyen:  my first name means song. with my middle name its song of truth
BlueblueVortex:  in what language?
BlueblueVortex:  and what is your middle name?
PrincessMowyen:  my first name is ancient hebrew and my middle name is basque  i can't spell it correctly on a computer because of accents but phonecticaly its 
a-lease thats the way to pronounce it
BlueblueVortex:  i love your name[s]
PrincessMowyen:  thank you, i love your first name its very musical to say
BlueblueVortex:  princess...
PrincessMowyen:  what?
BlueblueVortex:  i am listening, again, to Scottish music and it is just [now] very sweet
PrincessMowyen:  i don't think i've ever heard scottish music, i'm listening to harpsichord music
BlueblueVortex:  i am sorry for the long pauses
BlueblueVortex:  but i am a little tired
BlueblueVortex:  and i am listening to the music
PrincessMowyen:  its ok, maybe you should get some sleep before you have to go to work?
BlueblueVortex:  and imagining that we were in the same room and what it might be like
BlueblueVortex:  yes i should sleep
PrincessMowyen:  i have no idea what it would be like but it would be interesting talking to you fece to face
BlueblueVortex:  something is troubling me
PrincessMowyen:  what?
BlueblueVortex:  you said your dad yelled at you for an hour? its quite normal [i guess] for people who live together to have silly little conflicts that grow out of proportion to the importance of the issues... but i think of you as my friend and it troubles me to think of you in that kind of situation
BlueblueVortex:  basically, i hope that you are happy
BlueblueVortex:  to think of you as happy would make me happy
PrincessMowyen:  he doesn't normally but he was really tired and has a tendency to blow up and then apologise when he's calmed down. overall i'm happy. are you?
BlueblueVortex:  yes/no
BlueblueVortex:  i've been happier / been "sadder"
PrincessMowyen:  me too
BlueblueVortex:  may i tell you of something stupid and simple that would make me happy?
PrincessMowyen:  sure
BlueblueVortex:  i would like to be in love; not necessarily "head over heels" but just simply; and it would be wonderful to be in a cave on the side of a mountain during a storm with that person, sitting close together, looking out from the relative dry/warmth, perhaps with my arm upon her shoulder, looking out upon the storm and the elements
PrincessMowyen:  that doesn't sound stupid or simple. it sounds like a beautiful thought
BlueblueVortex:  well, i was a little nervous sharing that thought because I thought you might think it "silly"; anyway I suppose I should sleep [its getting light outside]
PrincessMowyen:  it doesn't sounds silly at all, and i shoud get off line  and start the turkey. i havce a great time talking to you. sweet dreams
PrincessMowyen:  i liked that idea. :-D
BlueblueVortex:  i don't know you; but when i think of you i breath deeply... good night
PrincessMowyen:  good night