Subj.:      Re: Hi!

Date:       98-08-28 15:24:25 EDT


To:          Anilmitra@AOL.COM

I am heading west today. Will be sitting vipassana in Ethel Washington Sep 2 -9 then heading to San Fran. Was thinking if I have time I would stop in Arcata though it is out of the way just a bit but it was a passing thought. Will you be around? I will call on the ninth if it looks like I can stop. I will be at 612-222-1757 tonight and tomorrow so you can let me know if you won't be there. I won't be able to chat long but still you can let me know if you will be there and how many hours extra it will add to my journey to come over to see you. Otherwise you can visit me in San Fran. That is all for now. Gotta move.

