Subj: Re: Here in Soquel
Date: 9/9/2002 7:59:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Joanelk
To: Anilmitra

Soquel is a few miles east of Santa Cruz.
We live in the Santa Cruz mountains, at the edge of Nicene Marks State Park - ridges and gullies densely forested with redwoods. On a clear day we see the ocean. On foggy days we are above the fog in the sun.
We live on a private "dead end" road on a ridge forested with madrone, Levi, toyon, and redwoods.
It is really weird living in a place without rectilinear room-corners!

This e-mail is going out by ISP/LAN by satellite, not by telephone connections. It is all very strange -- "high tech" intershuffled with poison oak and owls...