Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Hello ,

This is a late Christmas and New Year letter and greeting for the 2000 – 2001 holiday. I have been busy, moving into a new house with Marta, applying for jobs and working up projects. I am sorry I did not write earlier but I am happy to know you and to write to you.

In the last year

I have continued to work on my project on “Being”: what is the ultimate [human]  possibility…

This work includes maintenance of my website

Start a relationship with Marta – I have wanted to do this since I met her in 1998

Hike in the Trinity Alps mountains a little known but beautiful place in Northwestern California. It is here that I have the best inspiration for my life and thought.

Work at Humboldt County Mental Health – providing care for those with mental illnesses who at least temporarily cannot care for themselves.

Run on the Humboldt County beaches of the Pacific Ocean.

Much love,





