Subj:	 Record of 2/25/00 Chat between ktophamTNRCC and Anilmitra
Date:	00-02-25 17:14:40 EST
From: (Keith Topham)

ktophamTNRCC: Hi, Anil. This is Keith Topham.

Anilmitra: Hi... I have been thinking of you and Carissa

ktophamTNRCC: Carissa is doing better in the charter school this semester than
she did last semester in a traditional high school.

Anilmitra: ...and wondering how things are going... I have a new "girl friend"
she has a fifteen year old daughter whose dad is hispanic and reminds me of
Carissa... glad to hear Carissa is doing better, I have been somewhat worried
as I'm sure you are. Give Carissa my love.

ktophamTNRCC: I will. You asked a question in one of your e-mails a couple
months ago. I intend to respond, but haven't yet.

Anilmitra: ...what have you been up to recently. This connection is slow I
think... probably peak hour.

ktophamTNRCC: I have a meeting right now. I will e-mail you and/or look for
you online. Take care...

Anilmitra: ...ok by and thanks