Subj: Re: miss you
Date: 11/30/00 11:31:21 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: MartaPreusser

Hey seester. the depression is lifting. It started to get better when, in your drunken state, you began talking of first loves. The Jay thing. I think that I am forever searching for passion and excitement and longing for each other. Of course we all know how that turns out. But still, when it's missing I feel a lack of something. You said no love will live up to your first love and I guess I needed to hear that. Anil has so many good things about him. He's kind to me, he's thoughtful, dependable, trustworthy, tells me I'm wonderful and beautiful (you know how I like that), he likes my kid, does thoughtful things for her, most important she likes him. I could go on, but the point is that even if our relationship has moved into the settled comfortable stage, I should appreciate it for what it is. Something good. So what if fireworks don't explode whenever we're together. He loves me and I love him. That should be enough.....shouldn't it? So anyway, I do know that you're a grownup, and I listen to what you say. I love you and need you and appreciate all that we have. Just watch a talk show and you'll realize how special our relationship is....... So tell Ron there is no need to apologize to me, you were a helpful drunk whether you knew it or not. Love your seester.