August 18, 1998


It was a pleasant surprise to hear from you - did not expect you back so soon. Thought you'd still be journeying. Sorry to hear you are feeling low…what do you mean by "clinically depressed?" do you mean having certain symptoms or needing treatment or…Regardless, I do hope you "get better" soon. I'm guessing that the external source is "disappointment" but perhaps also being tired from travel. Whatever it is please take care of yourself.

But I'm really glad to hear from you. I was quite tired last night but your email added excitement and I took a little longer to go to sleep.

Jaysi, I have really been driving myself on my projects…its intense at times…and then, especially after a weekend, its stressful at work where the focus is so completely different…I'll fill you in later about the main points of the projects and what I hope to do about the situation.

I've put in for five weeks of vacation starting the middle of September, most likely about the 15th. Plan to go to the Trinities.

My family is doing well except my daughter who is now fifteen and having a rough time - but maybe she is really enjoying herself and its her mother and step-father who are having the rough time. I miss her though and suspect she really is having a bumpy ride, wish I could hug her. Interesting situation with my father. Its not all roses but love there more clearly than ever before.

How is your family? Your sisters? How is the youngest one doing - is she still at Cornell?

I'm looking forward to seeing you too. And to hearing your story.  Where are you going to be on September 14th?

Love, Anil