August 27, 1998

Hi Jaysi

It's been a few days since I said I would email you when I was not feeling tired. That must be today even though I'm still tired...working quite intensely. The situation is that I decided in May that I would start to look for an alternative to my present situation. Needed to wrap up some old projects and get some new ones in shape and ready to go. The current one, sort of a blueprint for my goals, is occupying my time...I feel I must finish it and have been staying up nights working on that I can begin the looking. Somewhat stressful, but this stress is something I know...but mixed with positive feeling that I am getting somewhere. Last night while going to sleep I had some weird experiences between dreaming and hallucination. Probably tired but maybe fueled by withdrawal from the allergy meds I take - it is the end of my allergy season that lasts from June till about the end of August. Am also getting ready for my vacation.

Today is the end of my is noon, I work at 3 PM...but it is sunny outside and I'm going to run on the beach when I finish writing this.

Enough about me. I wish you were here and we were sitting in the sun. It's sunny now even though it's been a very overcast summer.

Seemed like when you last emailed you had just found out about having apathetic hyperthyroidism. What is the apathetic part? How are your plans going? Who is Yeshi Donden? Hope only the best for you.

Would love to see you. If you were staying in San Francisco, October-November would be a good time. I think I'd like to combine a visit [assuming I'm welcome] with looking for employment and related possibilities. You are welcome to visit at my humble but beautiful place. I think I'll be away from about September 15 to October 20 but the vacation has not been confirmed yet. Might be able to come down for a few days in this period - and would enjoy that - but would prefer later. But seems like your plans are not definite...Anyway my phone is 707 822 8305. Leave a message if the machine is on...I'll call back. If the machine is off email me and I will call. The last sentences are meant as requests.

Best wishes in everything.

Lots of love, Anil