Subj: Hi
Date: 8/29/2002 12:18:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Anilmitra
To: Joanelk
CC: Anilmitra

Hi Joan...
I am "remiss" in writing/replying
You seem to be enjoying your life... that is good
I like where I am living in some ways...
I expect to take six weeks in the mountains. The plan is to not wait around in Arcata but that's always the plan.
Big restructuring at work and employees moved around due to more funds in some departments and less in others. Some people were given the option to take a [actually only 1%] pay cut and change in job or be laid off. My position is unaffected so far and I would probably be the last in my category to "go" because of seniority.
I am feeling pressure to "move on"
I am getting toward the end of "Words."
I began a computer project for work. A key part of a patient's chart is the treatment plan which has data, problems, signs and symptoms, etiology, goals, and interventions. There are preliminary and, after 72 hours, master treatment plans. There are forms, three pages long, that are filled out by hand. I thought that I would automate the filling out so that it can be done by computer. This would save time and will be useful that way because the nurses' work load is increasing. Also, and this came up in the process of automation, I noticed that the nurses do not always select the "best" problem definition from the point of view of need [patient] or "medical necessity" - that hospitalization is necessary to prevent serious harm. If there is no documented medical necessity then we do not get paid by Medical. The automation gives the user [nurse] a menu of options for problem statements [or lets them define the problem in case nothing from the menu fits]. The menu can be written so that the wording and the suggested problems ensure that the best case for necessity is made. Its kind of fun and I learned something about automation and programming and medical necessity. But I also learned that I do not particularly enjoy programming etc unless it is for my own projects...
I am sorry I have been tardy in replying/writing. I value your friendship and miss your company.
If you do come this way be sure to visit. There will be a place for you to stay if you need or want to.