SUBJ:                     RE: LABOR EVENING

DATE:                    97-09-09 18:02:32 EDT

FROM:                   A1BLUE

TO:                         JOANELK

CC:                          A1BLUE



Hi. Just read your E-mail since I usually log on to AOL as anil5462 and only occasionally as A1BLUE.


I'm still planning EML as a system of Parallel Tracks and Sub-Tracks with timelines and phases. But since the planning involves thinking about our seemingly vast universe it is exciting. And the planning is it's own universe and that's exciting too. So it is not linear, plodding. It's non-linear and requires holistic-geometric vision. And since planning and process are essential topics of EML.EDP.EDA...the planning is a part of EML.EDP.EDA. There's also tension. the whole thing is horribly self-referential not to speak of obsessive-compulsive. But that's not a bad thing. And, oh!, self-reference leads to infinite regress only on certain models of the nature of reality. Anyway I'm currently trying to refocus on J97. But that includes EML as a sub-focus.

Although these multi-focal activities and shifts forward and back are taxing on my organizational skills and energy and what's left of it after a week at Sempervirens it is exciting. I still continue to focus on the computer and it's software as something that is to be learnt and is at the same time a tool but not a static tool. And after sufficient "progress" I want to be able to sell or disseminate applications that I have developed.


Bye for now.
