
Image formats you can import into Adobe PageMill

Web browsers display images saved in Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). Many Web browsers can also display images in Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format. With Adobe PageMill for Windows, you can import GIF, JPEG, and BMP files directly. Adobe PageMill automatically converts a copy of a BMP file into a GIF file.

Converting a BMP file to a GIF file

When Adobe PageMill imports a BMP file, it converts a copy of the BMP into a GIF file, leaving the original intact. Before you import any images, use the Preferences command to set up the PageMill Resources folder. The GIF version of the BMP file is stored in a this folder. Copies are saved as Imagen.gif (Image1.gif, Image2.gif, etc.). The Web page links to the GIF copy, not the BMP original. Setting up the PageMill Resources folder properly ensures that all converted and linked images are stored in one place. For these reasons, the PageMill Resources folder should be inside the local root folder of your Web site.

To set up the default folder for images:

Importing an image

Adobe PageMill offers several ways for you to add images to your Web page. You can choose from the following methods:

Aligning and flowing text around images

PageMill offers many options for aligning text with an image. If you position an image within a line of text and the image is taller than the text, the image will increase the line spacing in that line of text. You can align the top, center, bottom, right, or left side of the image with the text. Alternatively, you can flow text around the right or left side of an image.

To choose the appropriate alignment, simply select an an image, and choose one of the five alignment options from the toolbar.