Placing Files

You can place many file types into PageMill, which will do its best to recognize the file and place it appropriately. Files can be placed either by dragging from the Desktop, or via the "Place..." command under the "File" menu. If the element to be placed is not available locally, a remote URL may be specified.

When Placing a file (File menu) or dragging in a file from the Desktop, PageMill 2.0 does the following:

If PageMill recognizes the data type of the file, it places the data into the appropriate object type (image, Java applet, Netscape plug-in object). The only exception is for HTML or sound files, in which case PageMill always creates a link to that file.

If PageMill cannot recognize the file type but the file name has a dot extension (, PageMill assumes that the file contains data for a plug-in and creates an empty Netscape plug-in data object (using the EMBED tag).

If you drag in an image from another application, PageMill will create a new file for you using an automatic naming scheme and put that new file into your default resources folder. You can override the default name by holding down the ctrl key: This will force PageMill to provide a standard file dialog. Note that this only works in cases where PageMill is creating a new file (otherwise it forces a link) AND unlike the link case, PageMill *must* be the frontmost app.