HTML "Placeholders"

There is now a "Placeholder" object you can insert (see the Edit menu) which allows you to tell PageMill to "leave the enclosed HTML alone." PageMill will not look at or affect any HTML inside the Placeholder, which allows you to write custom HTML that you don't want PageMill to read or change.

You can edit the enclosed HTML directly in the Inspector, or in the Source View. The Placeholder is "remembered" between PageMill sessions by being placed within two special comments in the HTML, i.e., "<!--NOEDIT-->" and "<!--/NOEDIT-->."

The Placeholder displays a small icon in the text flow, but you can specify a custom image to be displayed instead of the icon, using the Inspector. This icon could be a graphical representation of what the HTML does.

You can also place the "<!--NOEDIT-->" and "<!--/NOEDIT-->" comments in your own HTML files prior to opening them in PageMill to keep PageMill from examining (and possibly altering) portions of your files you want left alone.

When PageMill reads in an HTML page, any text between these two comments "<!--NOEDIT -->" and "<!--/NOEDIT -->" will be accumulated into a Placeholder element. PageMill will not try to parse the text in between those two comments. Furthermore, these special comments also support pseudo-"attributes" for placing an image in the PageMill page instead of the little icon. These attributes look exactly like an image tag. For example:

<!--NOEDIT SRC="counter.gif" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=50 -->


<!--/NOEDIT -->

Please take note of the fact that there's no space between "<!--" and "NOEDIT". Also, don't forget the closing " -->" on them, since they are really just comments.