Uploading Your Site

Once you have authored your pages with PageMill, you can then use PageMill's uploader to transfer your page or your entire site (pages, graphics, et al) to you a remote FTP web server.

Although the uploader is a separate application, it can be launched directly from PageMill. Once you are ready to upload, simply choose "Upload" from the "File" menu.

The uploader maintains a list of site mappings, which you must enter before commencing your initial download. The following information will be requested by the uploader, which it can then remember for subsequent uploads.

If you have any questions about configuring the below FTP settings, please contact your web hosting provider, who will be able to provide you with the appropriate information to enter.

Site to upload to Fill out this field with a name that will PageMill will use to remember your setting for this particular site.
Local folder of site All files and folders in this local folder that you specify will be mapped on to the remote server.
Hostname to upload to Enter the address of you web hosting service. Here, you may enter either a domain address (such as ftp.example.com) or a numeric IP address (such as 123.456.78.9)
Remote folder to upload to Here, enter the location on the remote ftp server, where you want to place your files.
Username This is the login name of the user for ftp on the remote host.
Password This is the password of the user for ftp on the remote host.
Upload files based on You may choose to upload all files in the local site folder to your directory on the remote server, or PageMill can detect which files were changed since your last upload, and will then upload only those files. (see below for more information on this feature)


Site to upload to : "xyz's home page"

Local folder of site : "c:\xyz\public_html\"

Hostname to upload to : "mc.isp.com

Remote folder to upload to : "~\public_html\"

Username : "xyz"

Password : "*******"

Upload files based on : Previous log file


Upload files based on :

Log file:

If the files date is different from that of the log or the date is later than that in the log, the file is uploaded. The logfile contains information about the last transfer. A sample logfile is included in the appendix. Any changes to remote host and remote path between the log file and the current site settings will also trigger an upload irrespective of file size & date.

Remote file status:

The upload will be done on the basis of NAME, SIZE and DATE (where available) (i.e. if the same file exists on the remote site and the size is not the same or local date is later than remote date then the upload is carried out.


Log file is not used, nor is the remote status queried.

Note: The uploader status dialog simply goes away if the upload is successful. If there is an error the user is notified.