Instructions for the Macros Toolbar of the E & D Production Template
1. Open [Mac] file from within Word Recover text from any file, then eliminate garbage text..
2. Attach to E & D Production macro
3. Save As [same file name] Word document; maintain versions: original, backups, working...
4. Work in footnotes
5. Spelling and grammar
6. Tables- mark tables early
7. Segment: organize logically into sub-documents of convenient length.
8. Page Marker macro on toolbar formats markers for pages in the 1987 hand manuscript.
9. Tab A macro Replaces 7+ tabs by 7; then replaces 7 to 2 lead tabs by no tabs and style List-7 to 2.
10. Tab B macro on toolbar replaces lead single tabs by no tab and style Body Text.
11. Tab C replaces all tabs by spaces.
12. Manually - using find and replace - replace Body Text by List
13. The
macros Etc do the following replacements:
Etc 1 Replaces three or more
periods by ellipsis, two periods by one
Etc 2 Only for style List-1
"^p -" or "^p-" or by "^p"
Etc 3 Replace more than ten spaces
by list-7, one to ten spaces by one space
Etc 4 Replaces "^p " by
Etc 5 Replaces "^p -" or
"^p-" or by "^p"...stronger than Etc 2 and should be
followed by Etc 4
Etc 6 Replaces two or more consecutive
paragraph marks by one
or do it manually - step by step
14. Symbol
Symbol 1 Replaces <==>,
<=>, <--> and <-> by a two headed arrow ó.
Symbol 2 Replaces <===, <== ,
<= , <---, <-- , <- by a left arrow ç.
Symbol 3 Replaces ===>, ==> ,
=> , --->, --> , -> by a right arrow è.
Symbol 4 Reminder to replace
special or limited use symbols manually.
15. Footnotes - format as necessary. Use InsertFootnote macro described in "Reformatting.doc"
16. The
Headings macros
Check: Checks for possible headings.
If the form is not a heading the macro adds a mark at the beginning of the
line. Also use the check macro to find old alpha-numeric section numbers and
change them to pure numeric form.
Format: Formats headings as
Enter heading level as a numeral from 1 through 9
Begin with the lowest level
Run the macro once for each successive higher heading level
Apply appropriate outline levels for
"topic head" style; or replace by Aux Head… and modify or
eliminate these styles as needed
Clear: Clears the marks added by the
check macro
Clean up "^p " to
"^p" by running Etc 4 again
17. Styles
Macros: Use 1 or 2. Use 3.
Styles 1 Converts Body Text A to
Body Text. Use after all other styles are applied.
Styles 2 Converts Body Text to Body
Text A. Use after all other styles are applied as an alternative to Styles 1.
Styles 3 Applies Footnote Style to
all footnotes and Footnote Reference Style to all footnote references.
18. Manual formatting and proofing. Master documents, document elements such as page numbers, tables of contents, indices, cover pages…Amount of proofing will depend on the nature of the document and the current and future purposes. Styles A and B apply the Topic A and B styles for outlining and inclusion in table of contents.