
Christopher Koch

Colin McGinn[1]

Daniel Dennett

David Chalmers

Francis Crick

Gilbert Ryle

Hilary Putnam

J. J. C. Smart

John Lucas

John Searle

Ned Block - Two Concepts of Consciousness

Patricia Churchland

Roger Penrose

Thomas Nagel


Alan Newell

Alan Turing

Daniel Dennett

David Marr

Herbert Simon

Jerry Fodor

Noam Chomsky


C.K. Ogden - The Meaning of Meaning, with I. A. Richards

Carl Gustav Hempel

I. A. Richards

Kurt Gödel

Richard Rorty

Saul Kripke - Naming and Necessity

[1] Deep red names: study and absorb now, July 99, for first Problems of Consciousness web page project.