Subj: (no subject)
Date: 9/23/2002 6:11:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time
To: Anilmitra

Hi :-)

I've just been scan reading your site.....I find it very intersting....your resume included lol.
I have a few thoughts of my own lol particular I've been reading Computers, Beings and Minds...recently, ok some weeks ago, in aol and msn chat rooms I presented a question. Basically this was regarding inspiration for a painting I wanted to create....obviously I wanted or needed to collaborate on it a concept if you other words I wanted an objective/collective view regarding my idea. On reading this section of your site I was reminded of this.
The question I presented was of personal interest...and also philosophical.. but i was looking for feedback on my thoughts. I asked 'hyperthetically' lol
' Thinking about the way you use your senses and consciousness to communicate via your pc,...' I know this is going to sound wacky but I'm not insane honest lol....' what do you think a true meeting of minds would look like aesthetically? as in a cyberbaby?' and not a cyborg!! lol....needless to say I had a lot of weird and wonderful replies lol including one from a guy in the us..that it would be perfect..everything you'd wish for in the perfect situation. So, now I'd like to ask you the same question...I hope you don't think I'm insane lol I have a valid arguement lol I'm an artist ...of sorts lol.
So instead of just one human agent..why not two? parents as it were...

"Additional shelves, storage, cabinets, closets – outdoor gear; cd, tape, radio, video, photography; laundry hamper; tools, firewood; storage spaceGuests, M's place Bathrooms, laundry......"

Ok now I'm intrigued...I'm sure you recognise this passage...but one particular phrase popped out from the page at me lol may I ask who "M" is? as in "M's place.." I'll then explain why I asked.

But for now.....It's my turn to be tired lol it's 2.11am and i've been up since 7am..i need to catch some zzzzzz's lol nite
