MicheNurse: You're up late!!! :-)

MicheNurse: I'm from Arcata too.

Anilmitra: Hi, couldn't sleep so writing some stuff...
MicheNurse: good for you!
I was asleep at sixpm tonite........didn't feel good..now I can't sleep :-)
MicheNurse: what an interesting name you have!

Anilmitra: Its two names, Anil and Mitra
MicheNurse: wow.......you're female? I am..I'm 26 years old..been living in Arcata for about 9 years now.
Anilmitra: Anil is my given name. from India. No, I'm male... a lot of people think my name is "female". And you?
MicheNurse: female....but not looking!!~~
MicheNurse: Yeah that does sound like a female name.
Anilmitra: Are you a nurse? Or, a student? In the Indian language adding an "a" at the end of a male name makes it female: Anila...
MicheNurse: oh !!!! that's interesting.
I'm a nurse.
Anilmitra: I'm an engineer, currently working at Sempervirens
MicheNurse: oh really? wow...as an aide?
Anilmitra: Yes, they call them "Mental Health Workers"
MicheNurse: yeah......how is that?
Anilmitra: It can be fun but working there 5 days a week is stressful. The patients can be great fun but also a major pain... even violent. Do you like nursing? Graduate from Humboldt?
MicheNurse: yeah.....
I don't know about nursing.
what is your major? ???
Anilmitra: Umm... I have a Ph. D. in mechanical engineering and a master's in applied math. Why am I at SV? It lets me do what I want with my life but I want/need to change.
MicheNurse: hmmmmmmmm
I was diagnosed with rapid cycling manic depression about four years ago..and was put on zoloft and neurontin to deal with it.
MicheNurse: about a year ago I started on supplements that was introduced to me by my friend..a chiropractor and since then....have been off them!!!!
Anilmitra: Are you stable? Did you have side effects? I'm glad you seem to be stable without the meds.
MicheNurse: yes, I'm VERY stable.
Yes, I had a lot of side effects .
MicheNurse: actually when he told me about his stuff I was very sceptical..but it was strange..I was trying to look for an answer I knew that my problem was realted to nutritional deficit in some area but didn't know what!!
MicheNurse: when he told me about it I thought "oh god a scheme" but I tried it and my god!!
after being on them for about 2 months..my mom came up to visit me (I didn't tell her anything about them or me being off my meds) and she said "god what's happened to you, you're so stable, so different"
MicheNurse: it was great!

MicheNurse: I have had other results too from them.
Anilmitra: I tried Prozac once, I hated the side effects. They did not go away but the prescriber said they would. We tell the patients that the side-effects should go away.

Are you from this area? If you ever need psychiatric help "we're" there but hope you don't. What are the other results?

MicheNurse: one thing....my prescription for my contact lenses went from a 4.50 to a 4.25..my doctor said "I've never seen this happen" and I didn't think anything of it until my friend said "it's this stuff, it does that to people, it improves their eyesight"

MicheNurse: oh my god..this stuff is doing things to people which are at times unbelievable...stuff that I've NEVER herad of happening.
Anilmitra: What is the stuff?
MicheNurse: do you want the spiel???? I mean do you want the story?

MicheNurse: Ambratose...Mannatech.
MicheNurse: glyconutritionals.
Anilmitra: Please?
Anilmitra: I meant please tell me.
MicheNurse: Here's the story.....
as a nurse I was taught that the only useful food for cells were amino acids (proteins) and fatty acids..and that carbohydrates (aka sugar) was useful only for energy
Anilmitra: and?
MicheNurse: about 10 years ago, it was discovered that there are glycoprotiens (sugar and protein) found on cell surface that deal with cellular communication.
MicheNurse: so far there are 200 carbo's found in nature..eight of which is essential to the body
Anilmitra: i'm listening
MicheNurse: a doctor discovered a way to get these eight....and put them into a supplment called ambratose.
MicheNurse: a company called Mannatech was formed.
MicheNurse: they have other products too. I take what is called the optimal health pack.
MicheNurse: which is the ambratose (the eight essential sugars), the phytaloe (which is fruits and vegies) and the Plus which is wild yam which gives your body the food to make it's hormones.
MicheNurse: mannatech has a patent on the Ambratose.
Anilmitra: Do they put out anything for GI problems, my ex girlfriend has really bad Crohn's disease.
MicheNurse: the ambratose is made from aloe vera plants...this same doctor discovered a way to break an enzyme in the aloe vera plant down to keep the eight sugars..as these eight sugars break down a few hours after the plant is broken..hence the ability t9o get a patent.
MicheNurse: OMG chrons disease YES.....
MicheNurse: oops
can't spell tonite.
MicheNurse: yes.....

MicheNurse: very much so..hang on lemme get you a webpage on it.
MicheNurse: oh drats can't sign onto it yet.
MicheNurse: but, yes...this has been shown to help crohns disease....
you see so many peopl ehave so many different diseases.
Anilmitra: i can look up mannatech.
MicheNurse: and this company states it's from lack of adequate nutrition and all toxicity in the environment.
MicheNurse: yeah you can go onto mannatech website..the problem with it's website is this: it doesn't give scientific info.
Anilmitra: a lot of it probably is . r u saying that ambratose also works with other diseases? or is it another product?
MicheNurse: no it works with other diseases.....
MicheNurse: I can give you more info if you want..I have literature..and tapes if you want to listen to them.
MicheNurse: I just forwarded you an email.........it talks about lack of adequate nutrition in our environment.
that's why there is such a huge rise in diseases...such as fibromyalgia.......chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, cancer etc etc..and mental illness!
MicheNurse: also this stuff has been known to help kids with ADD!!!!
MicheNurse: sorry I'm so excited about this product..as a nurse...I can see the potential in helping people with it..actually helping.
Medicine only deals with symptoms of disease.
MicheNurse: oops I will brb..give me about a few minutes..have to use the restroom :-)
Anilmitra: I just logged on to glycoscience...
I would like more info. My friend is having a really bad time, almost died a couple of years ago and is currently unable to work.

Theres an interesting book by Rudolf Ballantine that studied traditional diets and found people to be way healthier on them than we who eat processed, chemicalized foods that are also unbalanced e.g. way too much meat

I can tell you are excited and I am not put off. After we log off I am going to save this IM and read it.
MicheNurse: great! So she has crohns disease and almost died from that?
MicheNurse: Yes, that book is right on with nutrition.
Anilmitra: true. And I think the future is bleak for her. I will research glycoscienc.com and send the info on to her.
MicheNurse: yes.........okay but you konw what I could do as well...only if you feel comfortable is briefly meet with you and give you a tape on this stuff as well as an article on what it actually is.
Right now I'm trying to find a piece of literature in my books about this and chrons disease
MicheNurse: how old is she?
Anilmitra: She is 35 and yes I am comfortable with getting the materials from you.
MicheNurse: okay great...actually my chiropractor friend could also speak to you.
MicheNurse: is she local?
Anilmitra: lives in Eureka. She has been through so much, she can be resistant to new info, but the information can't hurt.
MicheNurse: well yeah she could be..but also think of the products for you...if you take them and she sees an improvement..then she may want to try them.
is she young?
MicheNurse: everyone should be on this stuff.
Anilmitra: She is 35. I'm laughing at your enthusiasm. I have been something of a health nut but not too bad.
MicheNurse: lol.....as a nurse I see a lot of diseases and end results of diseases that could be improved with these supplments..I can't speak about this stuff where I work as I risk loosing my job..so I do this on the side.
MicheNurse: she's too young to be sick.
Anilmitra: For the last few years one of the Nurse's drug books has been listing herbal products. things are changing. at some time in the [near] future MD's might lose their dictatorial control of who takes what.
MicheNurse: hopefully
the wellness industry will take over!!! it's all to do with baby boomers.
MicheNurse: baby boomers want to keep young and this product will help them do that..along with other wellness products.
MicheNurse: as a nurse I see the harm that drugs do to us.

MicheNurse: by the way....this company is a multi level marketing company which puts a lot of people off the product which is very unfortunate..so I will get that right out with you.
Anilmitra: We see harm where I work. Depakote and Zyprexa work but they make people obese and lose their enthusiasm for living. Many neuroleptics have long term, permanent side effects

What do you mean by multilevel and why is that off putting?
MicheNurse: it's a wonderful business opportunity.
And the other good thing about it being a multi level marketing company is that if you sign people up under you and they sign people up udner them...you get the product for fee.
Anilmitra: OK I see.
MicheNurse: okay..good you aren't infected with bad viewpoints of MLM
MicheNurse: yeah....the potential to make money is great!!
MicheNurse: the other thing too is that you can use this as a tax write off!!
MicheNurse: that puts a lot of people off..they think it's a pyramid scheme..when in fact, it's not.
Anilmitra: Wow. I'll be happy to meet you. How?
MicheNurse: yes, I beleive mental illness meds are the most destructive..a lot of mental illness I feel is due to hormonal and nutritrional deficiency.
MicheNurse: :-)

MicheNurse: okay...when are you free?
Anilmitra: Saturday?
Anilmitra: before 2pm?
MicheNurse: okay..public place? AND do you mind if I bring my chiropractor friend with me who would be able to talk more medically about this than me?
MicheNurse: sure...before 2pm is fine.
Anilmitra: anywhere in Arcata.
MicheNurse: um..........
I'm trying to think of a place that's not very crowded and easy to find you in.
Anilmitra: no I don't mind your friend.
a coffee shop or the marsh...
MicheNurse: um....I'm thinking of a coffee pleace.....
MicheNurse: oops place..hey we think alike.
MicheNurse: how about that coffee store that is across the way from Safeway in Arcata do you know that one I'm talking about?
MicheNurse: can't remember the name.
MicheNurse: coffee grounds? geez can't remember the name.
Anilmitra: Cafe moka at 5th and J?
You are talking about Sacred Grounds that would be OK, I think you'll like Cafe Moka its more personal and quite fun if you have not been there.
MicheNurse: cafe moka would be better..it's smaller.
MicheNurse: what time? doesn't it only open at 12pm?
Anilmitra: time?
you'll recognize me I'll be the only one who looks like he's from India.
ya it opens at 12. 12 would be fine.
MicheNurse: 12's fine.
You will like my friend, his name is Phil..I work closely with him on this.
MicheNurse: are you interested in inviting your friend? Or do you want to wait on that..or present this info to her yourself.
MicheNurse: brb have to use bathroom.
Anilmitra: My friend has a boyfriend who does not care for her to hang out with me.. may be she'll want to meet you later.
MicheNurse: okay...that's fine.

MicheNurse: I won't bombard you with literature when we meet..just a tape and an explanation..that's it....do you wnat more info?
Is there any particular health issue you want info on for yourself?
MicheNurse: what I would do ... if you decide to be on these products is ask for a few referrals..she may be one of them..and if they decide to sign up I will put them under you so that you get money/kickback!!
Anilmitra: lemme see, for myself. I'm reasonably healthy except I have age related vision problems and would like to weigh less and there's a family history of GI cancer... but nothing else
MicheNurse: okay...I have history of cancer too..that's why am on this stuff.
this company has a great weight loss system!!!!!!!!! I could bring you info on that too.

Anilmitra: oh and seasonal allergies including asthma
Anilmitra: forgot about that since its not summer
MicheNurse: oh....allergies MY GOD...let me tell you..i Had bad allergies until I started this product...you see allergies is an overeaction of the immune system!!!
MicheNurse: a lack of communication with cells.
are you one for lots of info? I truly dont' want to bombard you.
what we will do is just talk to you about this product and give you info per how it goes.

MicheNurse: have i asked you? how old are you?
Anilmitra: I know this and whats interesting is that Vitamin C makes my allergies worse
I'm good at absorbing info, I'm 54 but most people think i'm younger
MicheNurse: I"m 26

MicheNurse: wow,,,,,,you need this product!
well this company has a very good multivitamin too.

MicheNurse: the vitamins you buy in the store make expensive urine.

Anilmitra: I take A, B, C, D, E and multineral every day and the urine does smell of the stuff
MicheNurse: that's about all they do.
maybe your'e allergic to what the vitamin c is made from.
there is a few major companies that make all the vitamins in the stores you go to..and companies just pay for the bottle and sticker on the bottle.
Anilmitra: I think I should go to sleep soon... It's been fun talking to you and have we agreed on noon, saturday, cafe moka?
MicheNurse: yeah......it passes thru....the type of vitamin you use is useful..........usually vitaminds are dirt..and can't be absorbed. Mannatech came out with this new multivitamin in August..I've been taking since then..and my hair and nails grow so much faster..and I feel GREAT..to me that's the test on if they work!

MicheNurse: Sounds good!
I'm looking very forward to meeting you...take care and thankyou so much for listening to me.
MicheNurse: By the way I'm Michelle.
Anilmitra: OK good night hope you sleep.