THE SOURCE IntroductionIn something from nothing.html we realized a near absolute though implicit foundation of Logic. The individual has no limits—the contrary would be a limit on the universe. Therefore I (and you) can and do know and be (come) the universe. Where is the paradox? There is none: while in limited form realization of these ultimates is an endless journey. There is an absolute foundation to knowing and being in the void which ‘generates’ every state. This means of course that there is nothing special about the void: every state has this property of the void. What was special about the void is that it was pivotal in the reasoning of ‘something from nothing’. The logic of ‘something from nothing’ shows that there is final foundation in some directions but that for limited being other directions are ever open. The firm direction is the source. The open direction is arriving at it. This openness pertains to limited forms. For unlimited form the universe is an instant. The SourceWhat is the foundation of the foundation of ‘something from nothing’? Before answering that question note that the ‘something from…’ argument does not assume logic: it finds what it is—it is the constraint on concepts for realism. Now, what is the foundation of the foundation? It is that ‘Being is that which exists.’ A definition does not imply anything. However, it is not a true definition in terms of something else. It is a naming. Is it a naming of an assumed thing or a given? Does anything exist? If nothing existed these words would not be written or read. Although we may be immensely ignorant of our condition and its nature the fact of my subjective experience (strictly I cannot call it ‘mine’ it is simply there) is a fact of existence. What exists? That is part of the journey of naming / discovery. Thus we have identified the core of Logic and Being. We used to think that a system of understanding (philosophy) must be either relative and therefore unfounded or non-relative but based in unspecified or assumed substance and therefore unfounded. We have found that both being and knowing are founded in ‘existence’ for which Being is another name. The foundation shows directions of closedness and ever openness. What a thrilling resolution of the question of foundations. It is not the ages old foundation that philosophers have sought and abandoned. It is better for, as foundation, it cannot be better and yet the foundation is the beginning of the greatest adventure (words of caution are found in essays at The source is both light and mystery. |