It might seem that some atheists are angry from the posts; it certainly does not follow that all atheists are angry. There is a phenomenon surrounding electronic communication in which people tend to be more insulting than they would be in a face to face interaction or in paper communication. Perhaps the 'anger' may be immaturity It doesn't follow from the fact that Christians are not insulting on these posts that Christians and other believers are not angry. There are plenty of angry Christians out there as witnessed by angry demonstrations at certain Biblical movies. Also Christians are supposed to be "good" and therefore tend to mask their anger As someone posted, Dinesh D'Souza is certainly not above insult and name calling and Dinesh professes Christianity (thus proving that at least one Christian is not above insult…) I cannot say whether D’Souza himself is angry but it does seem to me that he does great violence to the truth and that his arguments are often deceptions. Of course, I do not know whether he is aware of this violence and deception for self-deception is not at all uncommon even to those who are intelligent or intend well Does God exist? Depends on whether you mean the God of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or the Gods of Hinduism or the God as described by a philosopher (there are many philosophical characterizations of 'God.') I have never been satisfied by any of the attempted proofs that the Christian God exists and created our world or by claims of personal experience of the God of the Bible Can the non-existence of the Christian God be proven? 'Experts' disagree whether science actually supports belief in God. There is however a difference between thinking that science gives no support to God and thinking that science disproves the existence of God. I hold that there is no scientific proof of the existence of God. If the universe were as described in modern theoretical physics I would tend to think that science disproves the existence of God. However, great as physics is, I hold that it is extremely far from complete (I recognize that many scientists would vigorously disagree with this position. However the position is justified at Do I think that the Bible is the word of God? I have never been satisfied that it is. (However, I do think that the Bible contains much truth and value and that there are aspects of Christian faith that make the world a better place) Therefore, as far as philosophical and scientific proof are concerned and as far as reports of personal experience are concerned, I am left with the conclusion that the existence of God can neither be proven nor disproved That still leaves open the possibilities that belief in God's existence / non-existence may be reasonable. My personal take on this, having spent some time examining the various 'proofs' of and 'evidence for and against God's existence' is that the most reasonable belief is that the God of the Bible does not exist in and did not create our corner of the universe What do I mean by 'our corner of the universe?' In my website,, I claim to have proven that the universe as revealed in science and myth is a minute fraction of the total universe and that includes the case of 'multiple universes.' The website also describes my position of the existence of God in the universe at large (the phrase 'multiple universes' is somewhat inaccurate if by universe one means everything that exists) If you agree with the arguments in my website, you will see that as an account of the entire universe, both science and religion are very incomplete. Science, of course, gives a good description of the local universe. I hold that there is much of value in the traditional religions but that as cosmology, the traditional religions are off the mark and that there is a place for a reformation of religion How do I respond to someone who says that they are not sure whether the Christian God exists but they are hedging their bets by believing in that God? Well, the position is not entirely honest, is it? But, more importantly, if you are not sure that the Christian God exists, perhaps there is another God who will make you burn in hell forever because you believed in the 'wrong God.' In other words, false belief, is not even a good bet