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The resources are a set of support pages for The Way of Being  ¢  The resources are of two related kinds—for use in and for development of the way   ¢  Hide resources



Finding resources

Resources: discovery and realization

Resources: development


Canonical system

Main essays






Miscellaneous resources

Potentially useful

Perhaps interesting

Finding resources



This page links to a set of support pages for The Way of Being. It links to the most useful primary sources, which, in turn, link to secondary sources.

It is in its nature that the site and its pages remain in process.

The kinds of resource are resources for use and resources for development of the way, which overlap. There are also ‘miscellaneous resources’, so named because they are older and potentially rather than actively useful.

About document versions—most of the documents were constructed from Microsoft Word doc and docm files, which are also linked. Where no doc or docm version is given, there is not one. Where it says ‘no docm version’, it means that I have not been able to find a doc or docm version.

Finding resources

At present, the sources that follow are from this sitehttp://www.horizons-2000.org. However, many of those source pages link to other sources and sites. The page, useful links refers extensively to other sites; it emphasizes news, general information and knowledge, philosophy – especially philosophy of mind, religion, science, mathematics, and search engines.

Other sources on this site may be found as follows. To search for a term, ‘term’, enter the following text to a search engine “term site:http://www.horizons-2000.org” (at present I find the most useful to be Google, i.e., https://www.google.com).

Resources: discovery and realization

Pathwayspath templates and dedication, received ways (rough), beyul (rough).

Referenceuseful links, reading, a system of human knowledge, doubt and reason, wilderness hiking, the canonical elements of the way.

Other—some sources that follow may be especially useful in realization but are rough in their treatment. These are marked with an asterisk*.

Resources: development

Though intended for development, readers may find these resources useful because (i) they have information for use (ii) it is in the nature of the way that use and development interact.


The 2021 site and its plan, bibliography, database for the way; very old site-map.

Canonical system

The system.

Main essays

Short—recentmetaphysics (briefest), booklet | longershort print edition, web edition and resource.

Short—olderthe way of being - field manual* (docm) | longer—‘template’ edition—the way of being (docm).


Sourcesmain influences for the way* (docm) and the shorter my influences* (no docm version).

Resources for writing and development (i) a template edition and resource for a detailed edition which will have collapsible format: the way of being (docm), (ii) other resources—the way of being – database (docm), what is philosophy (docm), toward a database for philosophy (docm), topics and concepts for the way (docm).



Psychology is important for development (see metaphysics: psychology). A search will reveal many sources. A beginning is dimensions of experience and the world (docm).

After development of the dimensions is complete, the main links of this section will be placed elsewhere and the section itself will be eliminated.


A plan for the above document—bring the dimensions of experience and the world into better alignment; fill out the dimensions of experience; supplement ‘world’ (which already has a western paradigm) with an eastern paradigm but note that “experiential being in form and formation as the world on the way to the ultimate” is already suggested by Advaita Vedanta.

Add a note about the temporal relation between experiencing and the experienced—

experiencing ® (leading) ® experienced ® (following) ® experiencing…

Thus, the relation between experiencing and experienced—roughly mind and matter or attentive action and object—is not static but interactive and temporal. Note that leading is affecting and following does not mean temporally after but following in attention and therefore both leading and following are active rather than one active and the other passive. Thus, experiencing-with-external-change and experiencing-with-attention-to are both active.


The following are rough, therefore not presented as path resources—received ways* (docm), beyul—immersion in nature (docm).

Miscellaneous resources

These are miscellaneous items of varying potential utility.

Potentially useful

Some earlier materialreason without apriorism (docm), axiomatic version (2003) (tentative, docm), original essay (2003) (docm), evolution and design (there may be a better version, no docm version), history of western philosophy of 1987 (docm), metaphysics and the problems of consciousness (1996) (no docm) and the 1999 philosophy mind and consciousness (1999) (no docm), notes in the trinity wilderness feeling toward the equivalence of ‘everything’ and ‘nothing’ (1999) (doc), more resources (docm), archive of older material (2010) (doc).

Perhaps interesting

A wormhole—there is so much more than the archive. It is entirely possible—and desirable—that I may never revisit a major part of what has been written. See previous versions of the site, particularly the those in bold font, for their formatting and extensive system of reference—1999, 2002, 2005, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (the present version), 2023 (the next version).

A few essays from the previous site versions stand out for their extensive if older treatment and their formatting—resource version (no docm) (2013), the realizations (doc) (2014-2015), published version – pdf (no docm) (2013), color pdf with cover (2014), dreams and vision (no docm) (1978-2008).

Finding resources

The following is from the earlier section also named ‘finding resources’.

At present, the sources above are from this sitehttp://www.horizons-2000.org. However, many of those source pages link to other sources and sites. The page, useful links refers extensively to other sites; it emphasizes news, general information and knowledge, philosophy – especially philosophy of mind, religion, science, mathematics, and search engines.

Other sources on this site may be found as follows. To search for a term, ‘term’, enter the following text to a search engine “term site:http://www.horizons-2000.org” (at present I find the most useful to be Google, i.e., https://www.google.com).

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