the way of being

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The concepts. value (ethical, aesthetic, ‘meaning of life’ as anchor to thought and action). being (existence, characteristic of whatever can register in experience), beings (existents, e.g., universe, cosmoses, laws, void, beings capable of experience-thought-agency-self-knowledge). reason (knowledge-content, method: fact, inference, possibility, necessity; structure of the world, worldview, or metaphysical system).

Significance. From being, see the world as just the world, which, seemingly trivial and superficial, rejects pre-determined essence, is thus a source of power, which is furthered in conceiving the universe as all being, constraints (laws) as beings, void as absence of being, i.e., unconstrained, so the void, beings, and universe are limitless. There results a perfect framework, which, filled with imperfect detail, constitutes a perfect system—relative to realization of the ultimate, here named the real metaphysics (thus, depth is within, rather than of being; and meaning and lifeways are not imposed but emerge with this worldview); (human) being is experiential and though apparently discrete over time, is all being above time.

About being. Being has been seen as difficult. Here, a dual top-down-simple – bottom-up-deep approach resulted in perfection. Yet, being remains in discovery while we are limited. The method is perfect in revealing ultimates while embracing imperfection in our being, thought, and language. The power of the approach is also ‘algebraic’—the real is treated as a multi-layered multi-dimensional unknown.

A mountain and lake with trees