
Weblog / Weblog folder: Orientation

On the viewpoints

Theory of being / being


Weblog / Weblog folder: A very nice Sunday

Metaphysics = logic?

On intimations of the viewpoint

On raising the level of the understanding of faith to the level of the metaphysics

The evolution of the view

Weblog / Weblog folder: Extremism in belief III

Cosmology—multiple times

The concept of God

Meaning and demonstration

Ring of concepts

Weblog / Weblog folder: Extremism in belief I and Extremism in belief II

The clash of extremists as fundamentalist science versus fundamentalist religion

The psychology and value of extremism

Weblog / Weblog folder: Anselm’s proof


Weblog / Weblog folder: Influences on beliefs

The influence of ideas

In seeking truth, you are on your own

Weblog / Weblog folder: On miracles


Metaphysics—the variety of being

Logic—as the one law

Cosmology and science

Weblog / Weblog folder: D’Souza on ‘atheist indoctrination’

Critique of fundamentalism in religion and science

An ideal religion

Weblog / Weblog folder: Dinesh D’Souza’s “challenge”

Critique continued

Misinterpretation of classical critiques of science and rationality

Weblog / Weblog folder: Free will

On the mutual implication of the issue of free will and metaphysics-cosmology

On the nature of free will. Consequences

Weblog / Weblog folder: The future of religion


On errors in the concepts of science and religion and, therefore, on their incompatibility. The following are mistaken: that they are incompatible; that they address entirely different concerns. In truth, although there are practical distinctions of focus and method there is no absolute distinction