The Way of Being

Copyright © Anil Mitra, 1986 – 2024



Resources for readers—basic introduction to the way, detailed version (in-process outline), path templates, received pathways supplementsmetaphysics and vocabulary, system of knowledge, sources, resources (older), reading, bibliography, daily links. Resources primarily for site developmentprogram, personal priorities, design, resources below.

Older, potentially useful (* = especial interest, † = a stem)—2023short essay (resources, long); supporting essaysa journey in being† (a novel), abstract objects, background to the way, cosmology, dialetheia*, essence of the way*, essence of vedanta*, fundamental paradigms for metaphysics, god, metaphysics and vocabulary for the way*, metaphysics, natural mereology, necessity of being, on meaning*, philosophy*, program for the way of being* (planning with topics for study), resources for condensed version, stages of human growth, the universe, the way of being-plain version* (a compelling, less technical, shorter version with new insight); disciplines for possible study (*items may be of especial interest to readers). 2022a mitra, 2022 resources, ‘little manual’* (detailed, with resources). Database, lexicon. Canonical essays, esp. dimensions of being*, language for metaphysics* (short). 2021journey in being (a resource version), world problems and opportunities, reading. Path templates, dedication. Useful links. There is useful material in the folders—ek project, narratives, old, resources, social media, disciplines, topic essays. Olderthe way, 1st ed. Archived home pages1999, 2002, 2005, 13, 17, 19, 19+, 21, 22, 23, 24. Archived essays as of 2010—archive directory, index of archived essays.

Personal—many of these are ms office documents—(a) main: activities, finance and placement, the world.dotm, tasks and acquisitions (b) misc: '23-26 calendar, business card, med schedule for a cold, tax Letter (c) people: boundaries (d) trips: bus times, diet and exercise, geology and wildlife of the trinity alps(docm) hiking list (docm), hiking – list of lists (docm), how to rig a tarp (docm), trip gear supplies, using map and compass (docm).

Historical, for the way of being and personal, (i) main site directory and sub-directoriesarchive, being and its elements, computers and networking, ai extraction of the real from ideologies, evolution and design, favorites, humboldt, ideas and meaning, mind and metaphysics, miscellaneous files, old site directory, philosophy, photographs, professional, social action, tech papers, tentative site, world and being (ii) essays and moreabout journey in being, animal rights, computers, beings, and minds, consciousness 1996, consciousness 1999, divisions of philosophy, energy, ethics, evolution and design, evolution and destiny, favorites, history of western philosophy, ideas, in process 2009, journey in being 2005, journey in being 2007, journey in being new world (2006), journey in being, original version (archived version), metaphysics for a journey in being, design for a journey in being (and website design, my priorities—archived), muriel, favorite movies, my life, family, and friends, narrative, nature and travel, site map 2010, recent updates 2012, other interests, other interests reserve, party, philosophy bites (directory), philosophy of mind (improvement of consciousness 1999, above), pocket manual 2017, politics what to do, resources, resume, reviews, search, search engines (search ‘search engines’), site directory, site map, site map i, site map ii, social, special problems of philosophy, technical links, bibliographies (has information not yet in the bibliographies), the way 2018, thinkers and actors, visiting california, ways of a universal journey, welfare for the rich and the poor, words, philosophy of mind sub-site.

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